Coaching Call Recordings Click on the date for the Coaching Call recording: *Please note: As I have switched to holding the coaching calls on zoom, recordings of previous calls are no longer available. 2025Jan 13, 2025Feb 13, 20252024Jan 13, 2024 (Project Planning)Feb 13, 2024(Art Changes World)Mar 13, 2024No Gathering in AprilMay 13, 2024June 13, 2024July 13, 2024Aug 13, 2024Sept 13, 2024Oct 13, 2024Nov 13, 2024Dec 13, 20242023Jan 13, 2023Feb 13, 2023Mar 13, 2023Apr 13, 2023May 13, 2023June 13, 2023Jul 13, 2023Aug 13, 2023Sept - no callOct 13, 2023Nov 13, 2023Dec 13, 20232022June 13, 2022July 13, 2022Aug 13, 2022Sept. - no callOct 13, 2022Nov 13, 2022Dec 13, 2022